Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Ryukyu robin
You can hear it singing beautifully

Ryukyu robin

Passeriformes / Family: Muscicapidae

Total length
approx. 14 cm
The Danjo Islands, the Tokara Islands, and the Amami Islands

It feeds on worms and insect larvae. In the diorama, a female appears to be searching for food.

① While females have white coloring from face to chest, males are black in these areas, giving them a beard-like appearance. Males also have a white abdomen with black spots on the sides, distinguishing them from the closely related L. namiyei, found south of Okinawa Island.

The breeding season lasts from March to June, during which they build bowl-shaped nests from fallen leaves, either in trees or in tree hollows. Chicks leave the nest after about a fortnight. During this season, males sing a clear, melodious call that sounds like "hee-hyoi-hyoi, pirurururu."

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
A:Forest along the valley - A1:Accessible forest

While there are also high mountains in Tokunoshima Island, there are also plateaus formed by raised coral reefs surrounding such mountains. These plateaus, with base rock made of Ryukyu limestone, formed a complicated terrain as a result of erosion. Forests growing on such plateau are made of plants preferring limestone soil, and this is one of the important factors characterizing the nature of Tokunoshima Island.

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This A1:Accessible forest