Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Rhinogobius sp.
A goby that has diverged in freshwater streams

Rhinogobius sp.

Perciformes / Family: Gobiidae

Total length
approx. 6 cm
The Ryukyu Islands

Although it primarily feeds on aquatic insects, it is also thought to consume attached algae. In the diorama, it can be seen ambushing its prey.

While the yellow belly of mature females is the origin of its Japanese name, its overall appearance closely resembles R. brunneus, a species that shares its distribution range.

It has a landlocked life cycle. Its breeding season is in the spring, during which it lays eggs beneath stones, with males guarding them until they hatch. After hatching, the young drift in pools before eventually settling on the bottom.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
A:Forest along the valley - A2:Forest along the mountain streams

In Tokunoshima Island, abundant rainwater carved the ground, forming many rows of ridges and valleys. Plants adapting to the flowing and drying up of water grow in the harsh environment, where water swells and depletes every time rain falls. The waterfront is also a habitat for many creatures, including endemic species, with frogs and dragonflies breeding.

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This A2:Forest along the mountain streams