Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Zosterops japonicus loochooensis
Quite fond of nectar

Zosterops japonicus loochooensis

Passeriformes / Family: Zosteropidae

Total length
approx. 12 cm
The Ryukyu Islands (south of Amami-Oshima)*The subspecies Z. j. daitoensis is a resident of the Daito Islands.

It primarily feeds on insects, spiders, fruits, and nectar while perched in trees. It can also be seen near settlements, and when cherry blossoms are in bloom, flocks of them are often observed sipping nectar. In the diorama, it perches on a twig.

Both sexes have similar coloration, with adult males displaying yellow coloring on the center of the abdomen and undertail coverts. Unlike the subspecies found on mainland Japan, this subspecies lacks the pale brownish hue on its sides.

Some individuals exhibit a strongly sedentary nature, remaining with their mates within a specific area year-round. Others migrate seasonally and, during the winter, form small groups that move freely without establishing territories.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
A:Forest along the valley - A2:Forest along the mountain streams

In Tokunoshima Island, abundant rainwater carved the ground, forming many rows of ridges and valleys. Plants adapting to the flowing and drying up of water grow in the harsh environment, where water swells and depletes every time rain falls. The waterfront is also a habitat for many creatures, including endemic species, with frogs and dragonflies breeding.

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This A2:Forest along the mountain streams