Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Dorcus amamianus kubotai
A stag beetle, less common than expected

Dorcus amamianus kubotai

Coleoptera / Family: Lucanidae

Total length
Male 18-38 mm, Female 20-32 mm

It is attracted to sap and lights. In the diorama, it can be observed clinging to the Quercus miyagii.

A subspecies of D. amamianus. It is not closely related to D. rectus, a species found on mainland Japan, and its mandibles have a distinctly different shape.

Adults can be observed from May to October, with numbers peaking in August. Compared to other stag beetles, such as Prosopocoilus dissimilis makinoi, this species is relatively rare.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
A:Forest along the valley - A3:Deep forest

Along the mountain valleys grows a high humidity forest. In such an environment, Quercus miyagii, a species of oak often grows in clusters. Some of these grow more than 20m tall and with trunk diameters exceeding 1m, with largely developed buttress roots. Also, there are many animals and plants preferring humid environments, supporting the abundant biota of Tokunoshima Island together with the forest along mountain ridges.

Learn More About
This A3:Deep forest