Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Dorcus titanus tokunoshimaensis
A stag beetle with a wide, flat body

Dorcus titanus tokunoshimaensis

Coleoptera / Family: Lucanidae

Total length
Male 30-78 mm, Female 25-43 mm
Tokunoshima, Kakeroma-jima, Yoro-jima, and Uke-jima

Mostly active after dark, it feeds on the sap of Castanopsis, oaks, Mallotus japonicus, and other trees, and is also attracted to light. In the diorama, it is seen feeding on the sap.

It is a subspecies of D. titanus, which is widely distributed from Southeast Asia to Japan. Its flat body allows it to easily hide among loose bark and small hollows. The spines on the males' hind legs are almost absent.

Adult insects can be observed from April until as late as October in the wild.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
B:Forest along the mountain ridge - B1:Forest near the settlement

Most of the forests in Tokunoshima Island are secondary forests that were once cleared in the past. Especially near the settlements, there are forests that have become well-lit thanks to recent pruning. Remains of paths, charcoal kilns, and fields form a reminder of the relationship between people and nature. Such forests accessible from settlements are inhabited by many living creatures fond of the well-lit environment.

Learn More About
This B1:Forest near the settlement