Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Ryukyu long-furred rat
Japan's largest rat

Ryukyu long-furred rat

Rodentia / Family: Muridae

Total length
Body length: 22-33 cm / Tail length: 24-37 cm
Amami-Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Okinawa Island

In the diorama, it is dining on a pine cone. Its young can also be seen.

Besides its normal fur, it has thick, spiny hairs on its back, along with long hairs that can reach 50 to 60 mm, which inspired its name. Its long, thick tail helps it balance on tree branches.

It is an omnivore that feeds on seeds (especially acorns from Castanopsis), insects, and mollusks. It requires tree hollows for nesting, making mature oak forests with abundant vegetation essential for its survival.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
B:Forest along the mountain ridge - B2:Deep forest

As time passes from the felling of trees, trees in the forest will grow taller and thicker. Tall trees like Castanopsis, a representative tree of forests in Tokunoshima Island, form the forest canopy. Different layers of plants are formed beneath it, including medium-to-small trees and bottom weeds, and the forest floor becomes gradually darker. Through such a process, the forest will become deeper, supporting the fauna of Tokunoshima Island.

Learn More About
This B2:Deep forest