Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Amami coral snake

Amami coral snake

Squamata / Family: Elapidae

Total length
29-53 cm
Amami-Oshima, Kakeroma-jima, Yoro-jima, Uke-jima, and Tokunoshima

Although nocturnal, it sometimes can be found during the day. In the diorama, you can see it slithering on the ground, even though it is seldom observed.

Tokunoshima's population of the Amami coral snake has a coloration similar to the Okinawa coral snake (S. boettgeri), with a tail that tapers to a spine-like point.

Although it has a potent neurotoxin, its mild nature, combined with a mouth too small to bite humans and a minimal amount of toxin, leads to no reported incidents. When captured, it may exhibit a behavior that resembles "stinging" with the pointed tip of its tail. It feeds on small lizards and other similar prey.

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
B:Forest along the mountain ridge - B2:Deep forest

As time passes from the felling of trees, trees in the forest will grow taller and thicker. Tall trees like Castanopsis, a representative tree of forests in Tokunoshima Island, form the forest canopy. Different layers of plants are formed beneath it, including medium-to-small trees and bottom weeds, and the forest floor becomes gradually darker. Through such a process, the forest will become deeper, supporting the fauna of Tokunoshima Island.

Learn More About
This B2:Deep forest