Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Accessible Forest’ along the ValleyA1

The Uplifted Coral Reef Forest Characterizing Tokunoshima’s Nature
While there are also high mountains in Tokunoshima Island, there are also plateaus formed by raised coral reefs surrounding such mountains. These plateaus, with base rock made of Ryukyu limestone, formed a complicated terrain as a result of erosion.
Forests growing on such plateau are made of plants preferring limestone soil, and this is one of the important factors characterizing the nature of Tokunoshima Island.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA1:Accessible forest
Passeriformes / Family: MuscicapidaeRyukyu robin
It feeds on worms and insect larvae. In the diorama, a female appears to be searching for food.
Anura / Family: MicrohylidaeOkinawa narrow-mouthed toad
It has a large, well-developed vocal sac in its throat, allowing it to produce loud calls of “gee-ko” and “griiih.” In the diorama, a male can be seen trying to entice females.
Anura / Family: RhacophoridaeAmami green tree frog
During the breeding season, males sing beautifully with a call like "kya-raaah." In the diorama, a male is singing in an attempt to attract a female.
Orthoptera / Family: EneopteridaeCardiodactylus guttulus
It lives on grasses and trees, feeding on their leaves. In the diorama, it appears to be clinging to a tree root.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeDorcus metacostatus
It is nocturnal, gathering around the sap of Castanopsis, oaks, Mallotus japonicus, and other trees, and is also attracted to light. In the diorama, it can be seen around the sap.
Stylommatophora / Family: CamaenidaeSatsuma tokunoshimana
It is fairly common and found from the outskirts of settlements to deep forests. In the diorama, it can be seen creeping along a leaf.
Anura / Family: RanidaeAmami tip-nosed frog
In Tokunoshima, it thrives in a wide range of habitats, from accessible secondary forests to deep mountain forests, feeding mainly on ground-dwelling insects. In the diorama, it appears to be feeding on a cricket species, Cardiodactylus guttulus.
Passeriformes / Family: PycnonotidaeBrown-eared bulbul
It calls to one another with well-projected "kwee" and "pee-oo" sounds. In the diorama, it also appears to be singing actively.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA1:Accessible forest
FagaceaeQuercus glauca var. amamiana
In the diorama, it grows holding onto a limestone boulder.
RubiaceaeLasianthus verticillatus
In the diorama, it bears black fruits in winter.
AthyriaceaeDiplazium megaphylum
In the diorama, it grows lushly in a limestone creek bed.
RosaceaeTaiwanese photinia
In the diorama, it thrives within a limestone forest.
TectariaceaeTectaria fauriei
In the diorama, it takes root on a limestone boulder.
TectariaceaeTectaria decurrens
In the diorama, it grows along with other limestone-favoring plants.
PteridaceaePteris formosana
In the diorama, its leaves drape from a limestone cliff.
OrchidaceaeGoodyera clavata
In the diorama, it clusters with Ophiorrhiza japonica in a limestone area.
RubiaceaeOphiorrhiza japonica
PteridaceaePteris nipponica
ArecaceaeFormosa palm
AraceaeArisaema heterocephalum subsp. majus
In the diorama, it blooms vigorously in winter.
FlagellariaceaeFlagellaria indica
In the diorama, you can see its leaves draping down from overhead.