Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Deep Forest’ along the ValleyA3

The Deep Forest Expanding Along the Humid Valley Floor
Along the mountain valleys grows a high humidity forest. In such environment, Quercus miyagii, a species of oak often grow in clusters. Some of these grow more than 20m tall and with the trunk diameters exceeding 1m, with largely developed buttress roots.
Also, there are many animals and plants preferring humid environment, supporting the abundant biota of Tokunoshima Island together with the forest along mountain ridges.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA3:Deep forest
Rodentia / Family: MuridaeTokunoshima spiny rat
Renowned for its jumping ability, this rat moves in a hopping manner with both legs together. As seen in the diorama, it jumps to evade attacks from habu vipers.
Squamata / Family: ViperidaeHabu viper
While young, it primarily feeds on amphibians and reptiles like frogs and lizards; as it grows, it begins to favor mammals such as rats. In the diorama, it is poised to attack the Tokunoshima spiny rat.
Urodela / Family: SalamandridaeRaffaëlli's spiny crocodile newt
It feeds on earthworms, flatheaded worms, snails, slugs, beetles, and millipedes. In the diorama, it is trying to intimidate by expanding its ribs.
Blattodea / Family: PolyphagidaeEucorydia tokaraensis
Adult males are rarely spotted resting on tree leaves. In the diorama, you can also find a male on a leaf.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeDorcus amamianus kubotai
It is attracted to sap and lights. In the diorama, it can be observed clinging to the Quercus miyagii.
Stylommatophora / Family: BradybaenidaeAegista kiusiuensis tokunovaga
Although rarely seen in the wild, in the diorama, it can be observed creeping along the buttress root of the Quercus miyagii.
Stylommatophora / Family: ClausliidaeStereophaedusa caudata
This species is rarely seen, but when it is, it is mainly found on tree trunks. In the diorama, it can be observed actively moving.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA3:Deep forest
FagaceaeQuercus miyagii
In the diorama, a towering tree can be observed along the valley.
AspleniaceaeBird's-nest fern
In the diorama, it clings to the Quercus miyagii and spreads its leaves.
StyracaceaeJapanese snowbell
HamamelidaceaeIsunoki witch hazel
ViburnaceaeA variety of Sweet viburnum
PhyllanthaceaeAntidesma japonicum
RubiaceaeDamnacanthus indicus var. microphyllus
In the diorama, it extends its leaves while bearing numerous thorns on its branches.
In the diorama, it's early summer, and its flowers are in full bloom, attracting insects.
DryopteridaceaeCtenitis subglandulosa
BlechnaceaeBlechnum orientale
In the diorama, it is about to unfurl its new leaves.