Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Forest along the Mountain Streams’ along the ValleyA2

The Streamside Forest Home to Many Living Creatures
In Tokunoshima Island, abundant rainwater carved the ground, forming many rows of ridges and valleys. Plants adopting to the flowing and drying up of water grow in the harsh environment, where water swells and depletes every time rain falls.
The waterfront is also a habitat for many creatures, including endemic species, with frogs and dragonflies breeding.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA2:Forest along the mountain streams
Coraciiformes / Family: AlcedinidaeRuddy kingfisher
It captures and eats small creatures such as crabs, lizards, frogs, earthworms, insects, centipedes, and fish. In the diorama, it appears to be targeting something at the waterside.
Squamata / Family: ColubridaeRyukyu odd-tooth snake
It preys on a wide range of creatures, primarily reptiles like lizards and snakes, but also other vertebrates including fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. In the diorama, it can be seen swallowing a habu viper.
Anura / Family: RanidaeAmami tip-nosed frog
In Tokunoshima, the breeding season occurs from late December to early January, when they gather simultaneously in calm pools of fast-flowing streams to spawn. In the diorama, a pair in a mating embrace and calling males can also be observed.
Squamata / Family: ViperidaeHime habu viper
While it preys on a variety of vertebrates, including fish, frogs play a particularly important role in its diet. In the diorama, it seems to be targeting an Amami tip-nosed frog.
Anura / Family: RanidaeAmami brown frog
Peaking from November to January, it spawns in calm pools of streams and puddles. In the diorama, they can be seen gathering for breeding.
Squamata / Family: ColubridaePryer’s keelback snake
Favoring frogs, it also feeds on frogspawn and tadpoles. In the diorama, it appears to have come to the stream in search of frogs.
Perciformes / Family: GobiidaeRhinogobius sp.
Although it primarily feeds on aquatic insects, it is also thought to consume attached algae. In the diorama, it can be seen ambushing its prey.
Odonata / Family: RhipidolestidaeRhipidolestes amamiensis tokunoshimensis
Males establish territories and wait for females to arrive for mating. During territorial disputes, they exhibit a behavior of displaying their red legs. In the diorama, you can observe a mating pair.
Odonata / Family: PlatycnemididaeCoeliccia ryukyuensis amamii
As seen in the diorama, during spawning, males remain connected in a tandem position, standing upright to guard females from other males.
Odonata / Family: CalopterygidaeMatrona japonica
Males claim territories and perch on waterside plants, waiting for females. In the diorama as well, a male can be seen awaiting a potential mate.
Odonata / Family: AeshnidaeAeschnophlebia milnei naica
Active at dawn and dusk, it rests hanging from tree twigs during the day. In the diorama, a male can also be seen resting.
Odonata / Family: ChlorogomphidaeChlorogomphus brunneus costalis
Females lay eggs in headstreams. In the diorama, a female can be observed hanging from a twig..
Coleoptera / Family: GyrinidaeDineutus mellyi insularis
Gliding along the water surface, it dives underwater when sensing danger. In the diorama, it can be seen actively skimming around.
Araneae / Family: PisauridaeOkinawan fishing spider
It captures fish and tadpoles by sensing vibrations in the water. In the diorama, it can be seen lying in wait for its prey, with its legs extended across the water's surface.
Decapoda / Family: PotamidaeAmamiku amamensis
Freshwater crabs spend their larval stage within the egg, hatching in a form already resembling adults. In the diorama, it can be observed carrying eggs beneath its body.
Decapoda / Family: PotamidaeGeothelphusa obtusipes
It dwells beneath stones or in burrows dug at the bottom of streams. Rarely venturing onto land, this freshwater crab is one of the most elusive on the island. Yet in the diorama, it can be observed in the water.
Decapoda / Family: PotamidaeGeothelphusa sakamotoana
As an omnivore, it feeds on insects, earthworms, and fallen leaves. In the diorama, it appears to be eating an acorn.
Cetartiodactyla / Family: SuidaeRyukyu wild boar
This omnivore feeds on plants like seeds and fruits, as well as animals such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, and rodents. In the diorama, a mother and her young seem to have come to the stream in search of crabs.
Passeriformes / Family: ZosteropidaeZosterops japonicus loochooensis
It primarily feeds on insects, spiders, fruits, and nectar while perched in trees. It can also be seen near settlements, and when cherry blossoms are in bloom, flocks of them are often observed sipping nectar. In the diorama, it perches on a twig.
Squamata / Family: EublepharidaeBanded ground gecko
It wanders on the ground at night, feeding on worms and insects. In the diorama, it appears to be searching for its prey.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
A:Forest along the valleyA2:Forest along the mountain streams
AristolochiaceaeAsarum leucosepalum
In the diorama, it blooms with stunning white flowers.
DryopteridaceaeArachniodes sporadosora
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris triphylla
PrimulaceaeArdisia quinquegona
LythraceaeTaiwan crepe myrtle
In the diorama, you can observe its distinctive bark along the stream.
MelanthiaceaeHeloniopsis leucantha
In the diorama, it blooms quietly yet elegantly along the winter stream.
LamiaceaeSalvia pygmaea var. pygmaea
In the diorama, it blooms with white flowers atop a rock by the stream.
In the diorama, it towers above and provides a home for animals.
OrchidaceaeSedirea japonica
In the diorama, it anchors itself with thick roots to a tree trunk.
PhyllanthaceaeMargaritaria indica
In the diorama, a young and small tree is growing on the forest floor.