Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Deep Forest’ along the Mountain RidgeB2

The Rich Deep Forest Nurtured Over Time
As time passes from the felling of trees, trees in the forest will grow taller and thicker. Tall trees like Castanopsis, a representative tree of forests in Tokunoshima Island, form the forest canopy. Different layers of plants are formed beneath it, including medium-to-small trees and bottom weeds, and the forest floor becomes gradually darker.
Through such process, the forest will become deeper, supporting the fauna of Tokunoshima Island.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB2:Deep forest
Lagomorpha / Family: LeporidaeAmami rabbit
As a herbivore, it feeds on grass sprouts, fruits, and bark. It has a habit of defecating in open areas. In the diorama, an adult rabbit is seen defecating while its young is feeding on fallen leaves.
Rodentia / Family: MuridaeRyukyu long-furred rat
In the diorama, it is dining on a pine cone. Its young can also be seen.
Chiroptera / Family: VespertilionidaeRyukyu tube-nosed bat
It utilizes the withered leaves of trees with large, radiating leaves as its roost. In the diorama, it can be seen nestled among leaves of Heptapleurum heptaphyllum.
Columbiformes / Family: ColumbidaeWhistling green pigeon
They are often seen in pairs. In the diorama, two of them are resting closely together.
Squamata / Family: GekkonidaeGekko vertebralis
It has a structure called adhesive pads on its toes, enabling it to move freely along vertical surfaces. In the diorama, it can be seen clinging to a tree trunk.
Squamata / Family: AgamidaeOkinawa tree lizard
In the diorama, it is performing a push-up-like movement known as "head bobbing." This behavior can be observed in various contexts, such as courtship and intimidation.
Squamata / Family: EublepharidaeBanded ground gecko
It wanders on the ground at night, feeding on worms and insects. In the diorama, it appears to be searching for its prey.
Squamata / Family: ColubridaeRyukyu green snake
It primarily feeds on earthworms, with occasional frogs. In the diorama, it appears to be targeting a large worm.
Squamata / Family: ElapidaeAmami coral snake
Although nocturnal, it sometimes can be found during the day. In the diorama, you can see it slithering on the ground, even though it is seldom observed.
Thelyphonida /Family: ThelyphonidaeAmami whipscorpion
Upon encountering a threat, it opens its pincers widely, raises its whip-like tail high, and ejects a liquid containing acetic acid. In the diorama, it is displaying an intimidating posture.
Blattodea / Family: BlaberidaeSalganea taiwanensis ryukyuanus
In the diorama, a male and a female are feeding on each other's wings. The significance of this behavior, reported in 2021, remains unknown, and further research is ongoing.
Hemiptera / Family: CicadidaeMeimuna oshimensis
After the introductory sounds of "Juu-Jii-Waa, Jii-Waa...", it produces a high-pitched "Kan, Kan, Kan..." reminiscent of a bell. In the diorama, it appears to be singing energetically.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeRhaetulus recticornis
It is nocturnal, gathering around sap oozing from branches of trees like Castanopsis and Mallotus japonicus, and is also attracted to light. In the diorama, despite its rarity, it can be seen near the sap.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeNeolucanus protogenetivus protogenetivus
Males tend to emerge earlier and wait for females to emerge so they can mate. In the diorama, you can observe a male waiting on a trunk for a female.
Coleoptera / Family: GeotrupidaePhelotrupes oshimanus yukiae
As a dung beetle, it gathers around the feces of Ryukyu wild boars and Amami rabbits, as well as animal carrion. In the diorama, it can be seen feeding on the feces of the Amami rabbit.
Araneae / Family: LiphistiidaeHeptathela kanenoi
It dwells in a burrow dug into the ground, waiting for prey to pass by keeping the door ajar at the entrance. In the diorama, it appears to have just caught its prey.
Squamata / Family: XenodermatidaeAmami odd-scaled snake
It mainly feeds on earthworms. Although being a rare sight on Tokunoshima, in the diorama, you can spot one emerging onto the ground.
Passeriformes / Family: TurdidaePale thrush
Foraging along the ground, it feeds on earthworms, insects, and fruits. In the diorama, it appears to have just found a worm.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB2:Deep forest
RosaceaeMolucca raspberry
In the diorama, it towers above and provides a home for animals.
OrchidaceaeGastrochilus japonicus
In the diorama, it takes root on a tree trunk and spreads its leaves.
SymplocaceaeSymplocos formosana
In the diorama, you can hear the rustle of its foliage.
DaphniphyllaceaeDaphniphyllum teijsmannii
AraliaceaeHeptapleurum heptaphyllum
In the diorama, a Ryukyu tube-nosed bat rests wrapped in its leaves, while Cantao ocellatus gather on other leaves.
PolypodiaceaeLemmaphyllum microphyllum var. obovatum
In the diorama, it creeps along the trunk of the Castanopsis.
PolypodiaceaeLeptochilus wrightii
SmilacaceaeSmilax bracteata var. bracteata
In the diorama, it extends its leaves, entwining around Heptapleurum heptaphyllum.
EricaceaeRhododendron tashiroi
In the diorama, it seems that winter has arrived, and it blossoms.
HydrangeaceaeHydrangea kawagoeana var. kawagoeana
In the diorama, it's extending its leaves on the forest floor.
ApocynaceaeA variety of Asiatic jasmine
ElaeocarpaceaeElaeocarpus japonicus
PrimulaceaeArdisia sieboldii
DryopteridaceaeBolbitis subcordata
ChloranthaceaeBone-knitted lotus
In the diorama, it is bearing orange fruits.
AthyriaceaeDiplazium dilatatum
PrimulaceaeLysimachia sikokiana
OrchidaceaeCalanthe masuca
In the diorama, its purple flowers are in bloom.