Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Forest near the Mountain Peak’ along the Mountain RidgeB3

The Mountain Peak Forest Shrouded in Mist
Cloud forests with high humidity where fog develops frequently grow in the mountains of high altitudes in tropical and subtropical zones. In Tokunoshima Island, such such cloud forests are found mainly near the peak of Mt. Inokawadake. Because solar radiation is limited, the trees here are lower than forests in lowlands.
Here, many epiphytes, ferns, and bryophytes can be found not only on the ground but also on tree trunks and branches.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB3:Forest near the mountain peak
Columbiformes / Family: ColumbidaeJapanese wood pigeon
During the breeding season, males produce low, cow-like growling sounds of "Grrruuuu…," which gave rise to its local name meaning "cow dove." In the diorama, it can be observed flying within the forest.
Passeriformes / Family: MonarchidaeJapanese paradise flycatcher
Its Japanese name, Sanko-cho (meaning "bird of three lights"), comes from its song, which sounds like "tsuki (moon), hi (sun), hoshi (star)," followed by a "hoi-hoi-hoi" call. Although rarely seen, in the diorama, a young male can be observed singing.
Coleoptera / Family: ScarabaeidaeCopris brachypterus toguchii
As a dung beetle, it primarily feeds on the feces of the Amami rabbit. It buries feces in holes it digs and also carries them to eat later. In the diorama, it is attracted to the feces of an Amami rabbit.
Stylommatophora / Family: CamaenidaeMoellendorffia tokunoensis
It is commonly found on decaying logs. In the diorama as well, it is creeping along a fallen log.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB3:Forest near the mountain peak
TheaceaeCamellia lutchuensis
In the diorama, it bears a number of nodding white flowers.
PolypodiaceaeGoniophlebium amamianum
In the diorama, it creeps along a tree trunk and extends its leaves.
LauraceaeCinnamomum doederleinii
AucubaceaeA variety of Japanese laurel
PrimulaceaeMyrsine seguinii
DaphniphyllaceaeDaphniphyllum macropodum subsp. macropodum
In the diorama, it spreads its leaves overhead in a forest near mountain peaks.
AsparagaceaeOphiopogon jaburan
In the diorama, it has produced dark blue seeds in winter.
ViolaceaeViola iwagawae
In the diorama, it blooms with dainty flowers at our feet.
OrchidaceaeCalanthe tokunoshimensis
In the diorama, it has come into bloom with the arrival of spring.
AraceaeArisaema kawashimae
In the diorama, it quietly blooms in winter.
AristolochiaceaeAsarum simile
In the diorama, it blooms quietly at the spring forest floor.