Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center

Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Forest near the Mountain Peak’ along the Mountain RidgeB3

Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Forest near the Mountain Peak’ along the Mountain Ridge
Japanese wood pigeon Goniophlebium amamianum Japanese paradise flycatcher Calanthe tokunoshimensis - Arisaema kawashimae - Asarum simile

The Mountain Peak Forest Shrouded in Mist

Cloud forests with high humidity where fog develops frequently grow in the mountains of high altitudes in tropical and subtropical zones. In Tokunoshima Island, such such cloud forests are found mainly near the peak of Mt. Inokawadake. Because solar radiation is limited, the trees here are lower than forests in lowlands.

Here, many epiphytes, ferns, and bryophytes can be found not only on the ground but also on tree trunks and branches.

B3 Map

Animals of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridge
B3:Forest near the mountain peak

Plants of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridge
B3:Forest near the mountain peak