Animals and Plants Thriving in the ‘Forest near the Settlement’ along the Mountain RidgeB1

The Village Forest Reflecting the Connection Between Humans and Nature
Most of the forests in Tokunoshima Island are the secondary forests that were once cleared in the past. Especially near the settlements, there are forests that have become well lit thanks to recent pruning. Remains of paths, charcoal kilns, and fields form a reminder of the relationship between people and nature.
Such forests accessible from settlements are inhabited by many living creatures fond of the well-lit environment.
Animals of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB1:Forest near the settlement
Accipitriformes / Family: AccipitridaeGray-faced buzzard
It is a migratory bird that visits Tokunoshima in autumn. In the diorama, you can see it soaring in the sky.
Charadriiformes / Family: ScolopacidaeAmami woodcock
It feeds on earthworms and insects from the soil, roaming in search of prey. In the diorama, it’s hunting for its favorite worms.
Strigiformes / Family: StrigidaeRyukyu scops owl
A small but skilled hunter with silent wings, superb vision, and long, sharp talons. In the diorama, it seems that it has just caught an insect again.
Cypriniformes / Family: CobitidaeMisgurnus amamianus
Loaches are known to have an auxiliary form of breathing called intestinal respiration, in addition to gill breathing. In the diorama, bubbles can be seen emerging from its vent.
Hemiptera / Family: CicadidaeGraptopsaltria bimaculata
Cicadas produce sounds by vibrating their abdomen with tymbal muscles, amplifying the sound in its cavity. In the diorama, you can observe it buzzing energetically.
Hemiptera / Family: ScutelleridaeCantao ocellatus
Perhaps as a strategy against predators, they are often seen gathering together. In the diorama, they are congregating on Heptapleurum heptaphyllum leaves.
Coleoptera / Family: CarabidaeSophiodela ferriei
In the diorama, it rests on a leaf at night.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeProsopocoilus dissimilis makinoi
Being nocturnal, it gathers around the sap of Castanopsis, Tabunoki camphor tree, and other trees, and is also drawn to light. In the diorama, it clings to the Castanopsis trunk.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeDorcus titanus tokunoshimaensis
Mostly active after dark, it feeds on the sap of Castanopsis, oaks, Mallotus japonicus, and other trees, and is also attracted to light. In the diorama, it is seen feeding on the sap.
Coleoptera / Family: LucanidaeDorcus japonicus
Although attracted to light, it primarily roams the ground. In the diorama, it seems to be wandering over a decaying log.
Coleoptera / Family: CerambycidaeAnoplophora oshimana tokunoshimana
Active during the day, it is often seen resting on trees. In the diorama, it can be observed on a tree trunk.
Squamata / Family: LacertidaeGreen grass lizard
As an excellent climber, it moves around three-dimensionally. In the diorama, it is basking on a leaf.
Coleoptera / Family: DytiscidaeCybister rugosus
Fiercely carnivorous, it preys on various aquatic animals and scavenges on carrion. In the diorama, it seems to have just caught a dragonfly nymph.
Decapoda / Family: PalaemonidaeMonkey river prawn
In the diorama, it looks like it's searching for food along the pond's bottom.
Decapoda / Family: PalaemonidaeMacrobrachium japonicum
In the diorama, it is ambushing its prey at the bottom of the water.
Decapoda / Family: AtyidaeAmano shrimp
In the diorama, it seems to be feeding on algae at the bottom of the pond.
Araneae / Family: NephilidaeNephila pilipes
It spins large webs, 1 to 1.5 m in diameter, between trees, buildings, and other structures, trapping insects and occasionally even birds. In the diorama, it is waiting for its prey to get caught in the web.
Stylommatophora / Family: PhilomycidaeMeghimatium fruhstorferi
It is commonly found in Tokunoshima's forests. In the diorama, it is feeding on something on a tree trunk.
Passeriformes / Family: MotacillidaeGrey wagtail
Constantly flicking its tail up and down, it often scurries along the water's edge, feeding on aquatic insects and occasionally catching flying insects mid-air. In the diorama, it seems to be searching for prey.
Passeriformes / Family: CettiidaeJapanese bush warbler
It is an omnivore, feeding on a range of foods, including insects and fruits. In the diorama, it appears to be foraging for food.
Plants of Tokunoshima:
B:Forest along the mountain ridgeB1:Forest near the settlement
PiperaceaePiper kadsura
In the diorama, it entwines around the Ryukyu pine and bears orange fruits.
PinaceaeRyukyu pine
RubiaceaeCape jasmine
LamiaceaeClerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii
RubiaceaePsychotria asiatica
PoaceaeCommon reed
In the diorama, its flower projects above the water surface.
PolygonaceaePersicaria dichotoma