Plants Growing in Tokunoshima
FagaceaeQuercus glauca var. amamiana
In the diorama, it grows holding onto a limestone boulder.
RubiaceaeLasianthus verticillatus
In the diorama, it bears black fruits in winter.
AthyriaceaeDiplazium megaphylum
In the diorama, it grows lushly in a limestone creek bed.
RosaceaeTaiwanese photinia
In the diorama, it thrives within a limestone forest.
TectariaceaeTectaria fauriei
In the diorama, it takes root on a limestone boulder.
TectariaceaeTectaria decurrens
In the diorama, it grows along with other limestone-favoring plants.
PteridaceaePteris formosana
In the diorama, its leaves drape from a limestone cliff.
OrchidaceaeGoodyera clavata
In the diorama, it clusters with Ophiorrhiza japonica in a limestone area.
RubiaceaeOphiorrhiza japonica
PteridaceaePteris nipponica
ArecaceaeFormosa palm
AraceaeArisaema heterocephalum subsp. majus
In the diorama, it blooms vigorously in winter.
FlagellariaceaeFlagellaria indica
In the diorama, you can see its leaves draping down from overhead.
AristolochiaceaeAsarum leucosepalum
In the diorama, it blooms with stunning white flowers.
DryopteridaceaeArachniodes sporadosora
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris triphylla
PrimulaceaeArdisia quinquegona
LythraceaeTaiwan crepe myrtle
In the diorama, you can observe its distinctive bark along the stream.
MelanthiaceaeHeloniopsis leucantha
In the diorama, it blooms quietly yet elegantly along the winter stream.
LamiaceaeSalvia pygmaea var. pygmaea
In the diorama, it blooms with white flowers atop a rock by the stream.
In the diorama, it towers above and provides a home for animals.
OrchidaceaeSedirea japonica
In the diorama, it anchors itself with thick roots to a tree trunk.
PhyllanthaceaeMargaritaria indica
In the diorama, a young and small tree is growing on the forest floor.
FagaceaeQuercus miyagii
In the diorama, a towering tree can be observed along the valley.
AspleniaceaeBird's-nest fern
In the diorama, it clings to the Quercus miyagii and spreads its leaves.
StyracaceaeJapanese snowbell
HamamelidaceaeIsunoki witch hazel
ViburnaceaeA variety of Sweet viburnum
PhyllanthaceaeAntidesma japonicum
RubiaceaeDamnacanthus indicus var. microphyllus
In the diorama, it extends its leaves while bearing numerous thorns on its branches.
In the diorama, it's early summer, and its flowers are in full bloom, attracting insects.
DryopteridaceaeCtenitis subglandulosa
BlechnaceaeBlechnum orientale
In the diorama, it is about to unfurl its new leaves.
PiperaceaePiper kadsura
In the diorama, it entwines around the Ryukyu pine and bears orange fruits.
PinaceaeRyukyu pine
RubiaceaeCape jasmine
LamiaceaeClerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii
RubiaceaePsychotria asiatica
PoaceaeCommon reed
In the diorama, its flower projects above the water surface.
PolygonaceaePersicaria dichotoma
RosaceaeMolucca raspberry
In the diorama, it towers above and provides a home for animals.
OrchidaceaeGastrochilus japonicus
In the diorama, it takes root on a tree trunk and spreads its leaves.
SymplocaceaeSymplocos formosana
In the diorama, you can hear the rustle of its foliage.
DaphniphyllaceaeDaphniphyllum teijsmannii
AraliaceaeHeptapleurum heptaphyllum
In the diorama, a Ryukyu tube-nosed bat rests wrapped in its leaves, while Cantao ocellatus gather on other leaves.
PolypodiaceaeLemmaphyllum microphyllum var. obovatum
In the diorama, it creeps along the trunk of the Castanopsis.
PolypodiaceaeLeptochilus wrightii
SmilacaceaeSmilax bracteata var. bracteata
In the diorama, it extends its leaves, entwining around Heptapleurum heptaphyllum.
EricaceaeRhododendron tashiroi
In the diorama, it seems that winter has arrived, and it blossoms.
HydrangeaceaeHydrangea kawagoeana var. kawagoeana
In the diorama, it's extending its leaves on the forest floor.
ApocynaceaeA variety of Asiatic jasmine
ElaeocarpaceaeElaeocarpus japonicus
PrimulaceaeArdisia sieboldii
DryopteridaceaeBolbitis subcordata
ChloranthaceaeBone-knitted lotus
In the diorama, it is bearing orange fruits.
AthyriaceaeDiplazium dilatatum
PrimulaceaeLysimachia sikokiana
OrchidaceaeCalanthe masuca
In the diorama, its purple flowers are in bloom.
TheaceaeCamellia lutchuensis
In the diorama, it bears a number of nodding white flowers.
PolypodiaceaeGoniophlebium amamianum
In the diorama, it creeps along a tree trunk and extends its leaves.
LauraceaeCinnamomum doederleinii
AucubaceaeA variety of Japanese laurel
PrimulaceaeMyrsine seguinii
DaphniphyllaceaeDaphniphyllum macropodum subsp. macropodum
In the diorama, it spreads its leaves overhead in a forest near mountain peaks.
AsparagaceaeOphiopogon jaburan
In the diorama, it has produced dark blue seeds in winter.
ViolaceaeViola iwagawae
In the diorama, it blooms with dainty flowers at our feet.
OrchidaceaeCalanthe tokunoshimensis
In the diorama, it has come into bloom with the arrival of spring.
AraceaeArisaema kawashimae
In the diorama, it quietly blooms in winter.
AristolochiaceaeAsarum simile
In the diorama, it blooms quietly at the spring forest floor.