Tokunoshima World Heritage Center Tokunoshima World Heritage Center
Sedirea japonica

Sedirea japonica


Mainland Japan(west of Shizuoka), Shikoku, Kyushu, the Ryukyu Islands, Jeju Island, and southern China

In the diorama, it anchors itself with thick roots to a tree trunk.

This orchid species grows attached to tree trunks. Its leaves are thick with rounded tips. In early summer, it produces several flowers with purple stripes on a white background. The fragrance of the flowers is strong enough that you might notice its presence by scent alone. On this island, the plant is greatly admired for its beauty, and in the past, islanders frequently picked it to transplant into their gardens. However, today it is strictly prohibited to pick wild individuals, so why not appreciate it in its natural habitat?

Japan’s Endemic Species - Tokunoshima “{parent.full} - {forest.full}”

Habitat of This Animal:
A:Forest along the valley - A2:Forest along the mountain streams

In Tokunoshima Island, abundant rainwater carved the ground, forming many rows of ridges and valleys. Plants adapting to the flowing and drying up of water grow in the harsh environment, where water swells and depletes every time rain falls. The waterfront is also a habitat for many creatures, including endemic species, with frogs and dragonflies breeding.

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This A2:Forest along the mountain streams